Support The Foreshore And Seabed Hikoi
Support The Foreshore And Seabed Hikoi
The hikoi which left the far north on Thursday 23 April to join with others along the way, and which is taking the message to Parliament about opposition to the Government policy on the foreshore and seabed will be passing through Auckland on Tuesday 27th and Wednesday 28th April. We need as many pakeha/tauiwi as possible to join in this hikoi so that the government can see that it is not just Maori who oppose this policy.
AUCKLAND VENUES AND TIMES Auckland coordinator Hinewhare Harawira tel (09) 828 7940
5pm - Arrival Hato Petera / overnight
8am - Assemble Hato Petera College, 103 College Rd, Northcote
10am - Hikoi to Takaparawha. Bastion Point, Orakei
3 pm - Convoy to Hoani Waititi Marae, cnr Parrs Cross and West Coast Rds, Glen Eden
5pm - Arrival Hoani Waititi / overnight
8.00am- Leave Hoani Waititi
10am - Assemble Otahuhu Rugby Football Club, Sturges Park, Otahuhu
Beginning of the Sth Ak Route Contact: Hinengaro Davis 027 2760 988
For information about the rest for the itinerary check online at
MON, 26 April Tamaki Treaty Workers Meeting 7pm Pt Chev Community House, Huia Street. Rosslyn Noonan and Bob Newson from the Human Right Commission will be attending to speak and answer questions. Contact Joan Macdonald Ph 09 360 8001
TUES, 27 April Treaty of Waitangi Claims: Foreshore and Seabed- a presentation by Grant Powell at St Columba Centre, 40 Vermont Street, Ponsonby, 7.30pm. Hosts Pax Christi and Community of St James. In this presentation Grant Powell will give a framework for understanding what is involved in Treaty of Waitangi claims and the Foreshore and seabed case. He will cover what is a claim, the nature of historical and contemporary claims, and what is involved in the settlement of claims.
He will then discuss the Foreshore and Seabed case, the Crown¹s response and the judgement of the Waitangi Tribunal on that response. Grant is a lawyer specialising in Treaty of Waitangi claims and Maori issues. He has been involved in the Marlborough Sounds case since it was field in the Maori Land Court in 1997, and appeared for Te Tau Ihu in both the High Court and Court of Appeal.
Contact Barbara McBride 09 377 5541, Rinny Westra 09 377 4985,
FRI, 30 April Auction for
Action. Speaker John McTavish will give an amusing talk
about how to auction a house. The evening will include a
silent auction. Coffee and dessert will be served. St
Columba Centre 40 Vermont Street, Ponsonby, 7.30pm cost $20
per person, $35 per couple. This is a fundraiser for Pacific
Women¹s watch to establish a Secretariat hub in the Pacific.
Tickets from Katie at PWW office 70 Khyber pass Road,
Grafton or ph 09 307 0701; 445 6431 or 418 0700