Information-gathering now complete
26 May 2004
Information-gathering now complete for regional skills plan
The information-gathering phase is now complete in the development of Northland’s regional skills action plan.
The plan, intended to better align education and training with industry needs, is being driven by a working group comprising the heads of Work & Income NZ, Enterprise Northland, Career Services rapuara and the Tertiary Education Commission.
It has so far involved a stocktake of existing training options, followed by a survey of employers in Northland’s key industry sectors of pastoral farming, tourism, forestry and wood processing, horticulture, marine construction, aquaculture, retail and general construction.
Secondary school principals have also been surveyed.
“We have received a total of more than 520 responses from employers and principals, which represents a better response rate than similar surveys in other regions,” said Enterprise Northland chief executive officer Brian Roberts.
“We are very grateful for the time people have invested in helping us assess the current training options and the gaps we need to fill to provide more relevant education and training.”
The plan is scheduled for public launch in early August.