100 new bus shelters for North Shore City
October 21, 2004
100 new bus shelters for North Shore City
North Shore City Council has built 100 new bus shelters in the past 15 months, as part of a push to improve public transport facilities across the city.
The glass shelters are advertising-free, storm-proof, and have grilles to stop wind coming in under the eaves. Timetable information will be included at each shelter.
"We had the shelters designed as a result of consultation with the community, to make sure we met the needs of bus users," North Shore City's passenger transport services co-ordinator, Chris Harris, says.
Most of the shelters replaced old structures, however 30 were on new sites. North Shore City will continue building new shelters at a rate of about 10 per month, most of them at stops where previously there was no shelter. Double shelters will be installed at busy stops and in growth areas such as Albany
North Shore City's cleaning contractors will ensure bus shelters are kept clean, tidy and graffiti-free. Bus users who find a problem with any bus shelter should call Actionline on 486 8600, to have the problem attended to as soon as possible.
"We are working hard to get more people using public transport by making buses safer, faster and more convenient to use," Chris Harris says.
"This includes better bus shelters, upgraded suburban bus stations, bus priority at intersections, transit lanes and the Northern Busway, with the first two stations due to open next year."