Gay And Lesbian Elected Reps Meet With Mayor
Gay And Lesbian Elected Representatives Meet With
At a meeting Monday afternoon with the Mayor, gay and lesbian community board members Lindsey Rea, Bruce Kilminster and Christopher Dempsey heard the Mayor explain his actions in opposing the Civil Union Bill. The Mayor reaffirmed his commitment to being open to dialogue, and has promised to seek a greater understanding of the gay and lesbian community's concerns at his stance. "We sought and received a commitment from the Mayor towards rebuilding bridges with the gay and lesbian community following his actions" said Bruce Kilminster.
"I'm pleased that the Mayor listened to our concerns, particularly in the area of the 'social research' studies into same-sex parenting. Reputable studies have consistently found no link between same-sex parenting and child abuse, rape or paedophilia" said Christopher Dempsey. "We, along with Gay Auckland Business Association, will be supplying the Mayor with copies of those studies."
Eden Albert Community Board Chair Lindsey Rea looks forward to working in partnership with the Mayor and Council over the coming months to recognise the vibrancy and contribution the Rainbow community makes to Auckland City. "Lesbian and gay citizens are valuable members of the community, and we will be working hard to recognise that."