Annual Plan – one week to go for submissions
Annual Plan – one week to go for submissions
April 15, 2005
The community of North Shore City still has one
week to comment on the council’s draft 2005-2006 Annual
Consultation on the draft plan, released by the North Shore City Council last month, ends next Friday, April 22.
The council proposes an average rates increase of 6.99 per cent next year to pay for new assets and maintain existing services in one of the faster growing parts of New Zealand.
Mayor George Wood says the annual plan submission process gives the local community an opportunity to comment on our council’s plans for the next financial year, starting July 1.
“Local residents can share their views with us by using the submission form mailed to all households and businesses last month. Forms are also available from our head office, area offices and libraries, by calling Actionline (486 8600) or online from our website,” he says.
Public hearings will take place in May to consider the community’s feedback. The Annual Plan hearings committee will be chaired by North Shore City councillor Heather Brown and comprise all councillors. People can choose to address the committee and speak to their submission in person. The amended Annual Plan will be considered for adoption by the council on June 29.
A full copy of the draft Annual Plan and an online submission form are available on the council’s website A copy of the plan can also be viewed at council offices and libraries.