Brothel controls introduced
April 29, 2005
Brothel controls introduced
Controls to manage the potential impact of brothels will be introduced on May 1, advises North Shore City Council.
The controls contained in part 25 of North Shore City Bylaw 2000, include provisions to regulate the location of brothels and the size and content of signs advertising brothels.
Breaches of the bylaw can result in a fine of up to $20,000.
The bylaw has been introduced in response to the Government's Prostitution Reform Act of 2003, decriminalising prostitution, and enabling local councils to control the location and signage of brothels.
"The bylaw has been developed following consultation with affected parties and with the public in general. A combination of research and public comment have raised concerns about the possible impact of brothels on the North Shore City community. These highlight the exposure of children and young people to the commercial sex industry, economic impacts, signs advertising commercial sex services, and the clustering of brothels, as some of the key concerns," says North Shore City's environmental policy advisor, Julie Francombe. "In response to concerns raised, the bylaw aims to control where brothels are located so that they are not too close to residential areas and places that children and young people regularly visit.
"There are limits on signage size and content, and on the number of brothels allowed in an area, to avoid clusters or the possible development of a red light district," says Ms Francombe. Under the new bylaw, brothels cannot be established or operated within 250 metres of any residential zones, and must be located more than 125 metres away from existing brothels, educational facilities, places of worship, community facilities and major public transport interchanges.
The bylaw also states that no person can operate a brothel unless the brothel is licensed by the council.
For copies of the brothel bylaw, please call Actionline on 486 8600 or visit our website
For further information please contact:
* North Shore City's environmental policy advisor, Julie Francombe, on 486 8600 ext. 8924.