Makara Guardians Demand Wind Farm Moratorium
Makara Guardians Demand Wind Farm Moratorium
The Makara Guardians have received a copy of the document entitled "Tactical Wind Generation Project" prepared by Transpower, the electricity grid system operator, on the instructions of the Electricity Commission. A preliminary review of the report indicates that any further investment in wind power generation would be premature.
The concerns raised by Transpower over the grid system's inability to cope with the addition of projects like West Wind should be cause for alarm by ordinary people and politicians alike.
Further wind farm projects may precipitate the very blackouts they are seeking to avoid through their so-called ability to replace New Zealand's declining indigenous energy resources.
Proponents of wind farms should note that the short and long term measures recommended by Transpower "may affect the economics" of such projects.
Before embarking on a course of action that has such uncertain outcomes, Makara Guardians calls upon central government to show leadership, take the initiative and call for a moratorium on all wind generation projects that have yet to receive RMA consent (including those under appeal to the Environment Court).
During this moratorium the highest priority should be given to the development of a cohesive nationally integrated energy policy in which wind power generation can take its proper place under appropriate conditions after ALL of its impacts have been properly understood."