Smaller pre-paid bags for rubbish collection
Smaller pre-paid bags for rubbish collection
North Shore City Council is to cease its coupon system for rubbish collection but residents will have the choice of smaller, cheaper pre-paid rubbish bags instead.
From July 1, the new 40-litre rubbish bags will be available wherever the existing 60-litre rubbish bags are sold. Both sizes are available with handles or drawstrings. The 60-litre bags are sold individually or in bundles of five, and the 40-litre bags in bundles of five only. The smaller bags will be 20 per cent cheaper.
The new size is perfect for residents with less waste, and for those who have difficulty moving larger, heavier bags, says North Shore City Council's community waste prevention officer, Sarah Cole.
"It rewards people who reduce their waste, and an incentive for those who don't," she says.
Ms Cole says the coupons will no longer be used because they are hard for collectors to see, and are often placed on non-approved bags.
"Coupon sales have also been decreasing and there is a need to standardise the system, which tidies up city streets," she says.
Coupons bought before July 1 will continue to be accepted.
The smaller, cheaper bags have been welcomed by older residents, and those already cutting down the amount of waste they produce.
Marilyn Glover, a member of the city's Disability Advisory Group, says the 60-litre bag is too big for many in the community.
"The smaller bag is ideal for people with restricted mobility, for those with limited income and for others who do not produce a lot of waste," she says.
John Crews, of Forrest Hill, says he currently uses only one 60-litre bag every three weeks for a household of four, due to composting and smart shopping practices.
"The smaller bags are a great idea, and an excellent incentive to reduce, reuse and recycle," he says.
Residents wishing to know more about North Shore City's waste collection services and how they can reduce the amount of rubbish they create, should visit the council's website at