SH1 Auckland Harbour Bridge traffic bulletin:
Transit New Zealand
Auckland Regional Office
September 2006
SH1 Auckland Harbour Bridge traffic bulletin:
Reminder: Sunday to Thursday Nights - Sunday 24 September until Thursday 12 October
Transit New Zealand reminds motorists and road users that night closures are planned for the centre lanes of SH1 Auckland Harbour Bridge.
The outer (clip-on) lanes will stay open throughout.
CLOSED from 8pm until 5am:
Sunday to
Thursday nights Sunday 24 September until Thursday 12
. All four centre lanes (both
northbound and southbound) on the Auckland Harbour Bridge
As part of ongoing bridge maintenance, the centre lanes will be closed so welding can be carried out safely on the bridge deck below. Preparations are also being made for a new guard rail to protect the arch in the event of a vehicle colliding with the bridge.
The work is being carried out at night to limit the impact on motorists. There may be some delays. In the event of significant delays, Transit New Zealand will review the closures.
Transit New Zealand apologises in advance for any inconvenience caused. The closures are part of an ongoing programme to look after the harbour bridge and ensure its continued existence long into the future.
In the event of poor weather or other unforeseen circumstances, further notices will advise new dates as appropriate.