Bless Our Pets Service
Bless Our Pets Service
Our pets can be our best friends, part of the family, and they are even good for our health. These and other aspects of our relationship with animals are celebrated at the Blessing of Pets Service at Nelson Cathedral on Sunday 8th October at 10:00.
The pet service was introduced in 2003, and Assistant Priest Yvonne McLean says it is also a celebration of the life of St Francis of Assisi, the patron saint of animals, whose feast day is celebrated on October 4th each year.
³We want to celebrate St Francis' life, his love of animals and our own love of pets. We love our pets dearly and our pets clearly love us - we see that in their loyalty, obedience and sometimes the surprising ways they show that they care for us. Our pet's love reminds us of God's unconditional love for us and the pets¹ service is a celebration of all that God created.²
In the service there will be an opportunity for the blessing of pets and their owners, as well as an opportunity for remembering together pets who have died.
³It's a wonderful occasion for all the community to celebrate together the joy and love that their pets bring them, and absolutely everyone is invited,² said Rev'd McLean. ³There will be refreshments served after the service the whole thing is always a lot of fun and a great way for people to come and experience our beautiful cathedral.²
The Dean, the Very Reverend Charles Tyrrell, Priest Assistants Yvonne Mclean and Allen Michel will all take part in the service on Sunday.
Everyone and every animal are welcome to Nelson Cathedral on Sunday 8th October at 10am.