Fire Weather Warning
Fire Weather Warning
13 October, 2006
The winds that have impacted across New Zealand over the past 24 hours have provided problems with a number of rural vegetation wildfires.
The National Rural Fire Officer says that land clearing fires and wildfires which have occurred over the past few week require close inspection to ensure they are completely out. Windy conditions over the past few days, and forecasted for the next couple of days, could bring these fire out from underground and into the open air.
National Rural Fire Officer Murray Dudfield says the winds are drying the fine vegetation fuels quickly and any occurrence or use of fire will move quickly and potential get out of control.
The public are reminded to take the following
• Check with your local Rural fire Authority
for any fire permit conditions for your area if you wish to
light a fire
• Before lighting a fire check the long
range weather forecast and ensure light winds are
• When lighting a fire ensure that it is
supervised and is completely extinguished before leaving
• If you notice any suspicious fires ring 111
This is a timely reminder to the public early in the fire season that conditions are significantly dry in some areas and that any fires that are lit or start in these strong windy conditions have the potential to get out of control.