Waikanae Pool opening delayed
17 October 2006
Waikanae Pool opening delayed
Breaking years of practice and tradition, the Waikanae Pool is unlikely to open on the Saturday of Labour Weekend this year because of the long spell of poor weather.
“We’ve been trying to paint and refurbish it to get it ready for the last several weeks and the weather has just been against us,” Parks & Recreation Asset Manager Mike Cardiff said today.
“We’ve done the preparation but we need a couple of days for the paint to dry properly, then we have to fill the pool and it takes 48 hours for it to come up to a comfortable swimming temperature.
“Given the forecast for the remainder of the week, it’s not looking very promising.
“The only bright spot, if you can call it that, is that the weather’s been a bit too cold for swimming.
“We must apologise to our regular pool users who have been getting ready to come to the pool. As soon as we get the appropriate spell of dry weather, we will finish the painting, fill and heat the pool and let people know.
“Please listen to the local radio stations and papers and we will open the pool for the 2006/07 season as soon as we possible can,” Mr Cardiff said.