Visit of Imam Abduljalil Sajid to Wellington
Visit of Imam Abduljalil Sajid to Wellington
November, 2006
Imam Dr Sajid is a pre-eminent Muslim scholar,
thinker, speaker, educator and mentor. His ideas are some of
the most advanced in the Muslim search for meaningful
interpretation of Islam in the 21st Century[1]. The Imam is
Pakistan-born and has been based in Britain for many years.
Prior to visiting Australia and New Zealand, Imam Sajid was a guest of Initiatives of Change in Indonesia where the Jakarta Post reported on his speech to the Islamic State University under the heading Extremism 'alien' to Islam. Following a 5-week tour of the Australian capitals, Imam Sajid is in New Zealand for 4 days in mid-November.
St Andrews on the Terrace is hosting a public meeting at which Imam Sajid will be speaking on "Pathways to Understanding: Religious Diversity and Islam - Lessons from the UK experience". The meeting will start at 5.30 pm on Wednesday 15 November, and all are welcome.
For most of us, our knowledge of the Muslim world is based on the shocking images we see in the evening TV news. The images may be true, but the picture is incomplete. Here, we have a precious opportunity to hear Dr Sajid’s experiences and perceptions.
Following his visit in New Zealand for 4 days, he is going to an International Conference in Suva, Fiji hosted by Initiatives of Change on the theme “New Hope from Fiji – Making this a Vision Possible”.
His presentation at St Andrews on the Terrace is certain to be stimulating and challenging. All are welcome to attend.
His personal website:
[1] Quoted from