Councils collaborating for important study
Councils collaborating for important
For immediate release: Wednesday 8 November
The Bay of Plenty’s councils will soon have the information to make decisions about any involvement in broadband and other telecommunications initiatives in the region.
In association with the region’s city and district councils, economic development agencies and industry representatives, Environment Bay of Plenty is carrying out a business case study. It is looking at how councils can improve capability and accessibility to broadband services in the Bay of Plenty. Once the study is finished, the councils will have a document they can refer to and use when making decisions about any possible future involvement in broadband and associated services.
Environment Bay of Plenty’s chairman John Cronin says the study is a collaboration between the region’s councils that will then give them the ability to make the right decisions about their future options.
“If councils are going to make confident, informed decisions about their future involvement in these types of initiatives, they need the correct information. This study will provide that information and also help the councils identify any other benefits that could help their own and their communities’ needs.”
Mr Cronin says future involvement from the councils in this area does not necessarily mean funding the services or infrastructure.
“It could suggest changes to policy documents, or reviewing codes of practice for certain developments as indirect actions that councils could do.”
The study is due to be completed and available to councils early in the new year.