ARC announces Enviroschools Awards
ARC announces Enviroschools Awards
23 November 2005
Five schools in the Auckland region have won silver Enviroschools Awards in recognition of their commitment to environmental initiatives and education for a sustainable future.
A further 19 schools within the region have earned bronze awards for their work in the sustainability field.
The schools will be presented with their awards at a special Enviroschools celebration tomorrow at the Auckland Zoo.
The awards, which were developed by the Auckland Regional Council in partnership with the Enviroschools Foundation in late 2002, are part of the national Enviroschools programme.
They encourage schools to become sustainable communities, incorporating best environmental practices that will carry over into home and every-day life.
ARC Environmental Management Committee Chair Dianne Glenn says: "Children are encouraged to look at ways to reduce waste, save energy, improve air and water quality, protect and enhance our plants, animals and ecosystems.
"A key element is empowering young people to help make decisions for their school which may result in them taking an active role in community decision making in the future."
There are more than 50,000 students from 106 schools involved in Enviroschools in the Auckland region.
The awards are designed as an incentive for schools to become actively involved in environmental education, and to undertake environmental initiatives that will make a real difference to the community.
"The level of awards becomes progressively more complex as they evolve from Bronze, through Silver to Green-Gold," says Cr Glenn.
Examples of environmental initiatives carried out by the schools include planting of native trees, conserving water, reducing the amount of waste to landfill, composting and worm farms, encouraging students to walk to school, designing and making calico bags to replace plastic bags, plus much more.