Business groups join forces to fight Billboard law
16 February 2007
Business groups join forces to fight Auckland City’s wholesale overhaul of Billboard and Signage bylaws
More than 20 Auckland business organisations have joined forces to prepare a combined submission opposing Auckland City’s attempts to pass new billboard and signage bylaws.
A conservative interpretation of the new bylaws is that 75% of Auckland City billboards will become illegal with a huge detrimental impact on property values and the City’s image as a vibrant and business-friendly city, said the groups convener, Auckland Chamber CEO, Michael Barnett.
“The group submission will be complemented by individual organisations providing detailed submissions looking at specific examples and consequences in different areas of the city.”
At a group meeting this week, strong concern was expressed at the Council’s “closed minded” approach in allowing little time to discuss the new bylaw with the sign industry and other stakeholders before making them public.
“The group agreed that there is a case for improving Auckland’s signage and billboard environment, including and especially better Council policing of the current bylaw. However, the wholesale change proposed will turn what is already a difficult issue into a bureaucratic nightmare. Any goodwill still left towards the Council will evaporate,” warned Mr Barnett.
There is real concern that the Councillors who will hear submissions have already declared a position and it will therefore be impossible for a balanced hearing to take place. Instead of elected politicians hearing the submissions, an independent commission should be appointed to make recommendations to the politicians.
“While we would like to enter into dialogue with the Council in good faith and share ideas to improve Auckland’s signage and reduce billboard clutter, Council’s process to date suggests it will be tough going to get constructive solutions accepted.
He warned that if Council remains hell-bent on making the wholesale change and overhaul set out in the new bylaw, it will inevitably lead the issue into the realm of legal challenge and breach of basic property rights.
The 20-strong group comprises a cross section of Auckland business organisations, including Employers & Manufacturers, property owners, business main streets, as well as the signage and bill board industry.