Rates Inquiry refuses to meet Community Groups
The Govt Rates Inquiry Panel have turned down the invitation to hear Residents at public meeting (see details below). Meredydd Barrar Spokesperson CAP says.
“Many community groups have informed their members and are very concerned. The last meeting the inquiry held in Auckland was in the daytime when most are at work (only 50 people turned up}. Unlike that meeting and the one at North Shore Events Centre tomorrow !8th April (in the day) this one has been well publicised. Special arrangements have been made by the Inquiry to meet Business representatives their refusal to front up here suggests they are not interested in listening to the views of ordinary people. In who’s interests is this Inquiry being held”.
Citizens Against
Press Statement
Barrar,spokesperson CAP)
Community Groups Oppose Council Flat Taxes and Fear the Implications of Government Rates Inquiry and Regional Governance Proposals
Public Meeting: Kelston Community Centre, Tues 17th April, 7pm (cnr Grt Nth Rd and Awaroa Rd) Waitakere City.
At a meeting last
week convened by CAP the following groups endorsed the above
meeting and the following statements. All present condemned
WCCs Annual Plan propasals to raise the flat wastewater
charge from $350 to $378 and the UAGC (a flat charge within
the rates) from $600 to $640.Flat and userpays charges
represent up to 80% of many peoples Rates bills. Groups
represented were Grey Power, NZEI, (primary teachers union),
National Distribution Union, The Maratime Union of NZ, and
The Unite Union. The Groups were seriously concerned about
the implications of the Govts Rating Inquiry and Auckland
Regional Governance propasals will have on workers,
pensioners, schools and struggling families. The Rating
Inquiry panel has been formally invited to the public
meeting to hear the peoples concerns.
Meredydd Barrar, spokesperson says “Would any worker accept a wage/pension decrease? Would families agree to the scrapping of the ‘Working for Families’ package or beneficiaries to a cut in benefits? The practical effect of these increased flat charges hidden within the rates would represent their equivalent. The anger that would accompany such propasals needs to occur right here, right now before it is too late. We are demanding a progressive rating system devoid of flat and user pay charges as the best system for us all. This would represent a rate decrease of up to 20% for many thousands of low to average property owners the rating inquiry need to hear this”..
The public meeting will
address the following points:
Flat and user
pays charges hit the average property owner the
While Big business and very high valued
property owners gain huge rate reductions as a direct result
of this system.
WCC’s proposals, the Rating
inquiry, The Auckland Regional Governance agenda, will
INCREASE the rating burden even more!!!
Did you
know the Council is consulting on Regional Govt options as
part of its Annual Plan? Do you agree with more
Privatisation of public services.
Then lets
defend what’s left.
Council meetings, April &
Waitakere City : 18/4 -9.30am & 26/4 -5.30pm;
16/5 -9.30am & 30/5 -5.30pm
Auckland City: 26/4 -6pm,
24/5 -6pm
North Shore City: 26/4 -7pm, 23/5 -7pm
30/4, 28/5 -6pm
Councils' Draft Annual Plan submissions,
include 'StrongerAk’
ARC, close 4pm 24/4, oral late
City Council, close 5pm Fri 27/4; heard before/after 3pm,
North Shore City Council, close 5pm 20/4 (only
'mtgs to explain', not oral submissions)
Auckland City,
Draft AP available 20/4, close 21/5:
Inquiry: www.ratesinquiry.govt.nz
North Shore Events
Centre,18/4, 1pm-3.30pm
Submissions close 4pm
Reports by July 31.
Draft Longterm Sustainability
Framework (START)
8 Ak Councils + 4 Govt Depts at:
close 30/4
PUBLIC MEETING: Tues17th April, 7pm, Kelston
Community Centre (Cnr Awaroa Rd,Geat North