City’s district plan review underway
18 July 2007
City’s district plan review underway
Auckland City Council began its review of the isthmus district plan this week, with the meeting of a working party to discuss how the review should be structured.
The working party will serve as a sounding board for major issues to be considered in the review as well as being involved in consultation, plan development and hearings.
The council is required by law to review its district plan every 10 years and Auckland City is one of the first councils in New Zealand to begin this process. The current isthmus district plan was first notified in 1993 and made operative in 1999.
The isthmus district plan contains the planning policies and rules for activities and development within Auckland City’s boundaries, excluding the Hauraki Gulf Islands and the central area of the city.
The chairperson of the Planning and Regulatory Committee, Councillor Glenda Fryer, says the review is a significant piece of work.
“The review of the isthmus section of the district plan could have implications for hundreds of thousands of residents and ratepayers because it is all about how we shape the future of where we live, work and play.
“Part of the process is to review best practice in urban planning in cities around the world, and to help facilitate this we will be inviting experts to speak to us from cities such as Vancouver, where they are facing similar issues to ours,” Ms Fryer says.
Among the issues which need to be taken into account in the review are:
• amendments to the
Resource Management Act
• continuing emphasis
on urban design, sustainability and
• management and form of
As well as Ms Fryer, the working party
comprises councillors Christine Caughey, Penny Sefuiva,
Leila Boyle, Noeline Raffills and Toni