Children's Artwork A Lasting Feature
Children's artwork a lasting feature
A creative approach has been used to bring the history of the old Silverdale Primary School to its new location in Silverdale North.
The logo illustrates the Weiti River running through the surrounding hill
With the help of Assistant Principal and classroom teacher Sue Brothers, 150 children aged 5 - 13 years made two hundred ceramic tiles to create a mural on the wall of their new school.
The tiles, which feature a nature theme, were glazed and then mounted in the shape of the school's logo by Joy Bell, one of Rodney's talented mosaic artists.
The logo illustrates the Weiti River running through the surrounding hills while also representing a child's pathway of learning and the sun rising on a new day.
The initiative was funded by Rodney District Council, and Mrs Brothers says the children were very excited to see the results of their work, knowing it will still be there in fifty years time.
"We can't thank the Council enough for helping us fund this wonderful initiative and couldn't have done it without their support, which also included making Joy available to us," says Mrs Brothers.