Extra time welcomed for building accreditation
Extra time welcomed for building
accreditation process
For immediate release 7 August
“The announcement from the Government to allow
more time for the building accreditation process is
pleasing”, said Local Government New Zealand’s
President, Basil Morrison.
“All involved parties, not only councils, but the Government departments and agencies running the building accreditation process, will welcome this extra breathing space.
“Almost every council who is going to make an application for accreditation has made their application and is going through the accreditation process. Most councils are on target to achieve accreditation and the extended timeframe will allow all parties to make their way through the process. While the extra time will be welcomed by councils, it is also useful for the other parties including the accreditation body (IANZ) and the Department of Building and Housing.
“The extension will ensure that building consent services can continue to be provided by councils while the accreditation process is completed,” said Mr Morrison.
Local Government New Zealand will continue to work with the Department of Building and Housing to support the achievement of accredited councils.