A Voice for you and Value for your Rate Dollar
A Voice for you and Value for your Rate Dollar: 2021 Civic Building Policy
Plans for a $100 million dollar new Civic
Palace will be given a knock on the head under a 2021 City
Council under the leadership of Megan Woods.
Christchurch 2021 will cap expenditure at $60 million
(2007 dollars), a saving to ratepayers of at least $40
This will restore the cost of the project to the original budget of $53.7m set in the 2004/2005 LTCCP with an further allowance for increases in building costs. Announcing thi s policy, Dr Megan Woods said it was based on official reports to the Council and independent advice she had received from professional s. Woods al so stated that she “has been listening another important voice. The voice of residents and ratepayers. These people want to see value for their rates dollar”.
There is no doubt that the current Civic Offices are overcrowded and that staff need better working conditions. However, there are several cost-effective options which need to be considered. Some of the options involve strengthening and refurbi shment of the present building, or a new building on an adjacent site. No options will be discounted, and importantly the community will be consulted under a 2021 council.
"It can be done" says Megan Woods, "Sorry Bob Parker, a flash building is not necessary".
Council management would be instructed to comply with a capped budget and to report back on options for a more modest no-nonsense but effective Civic Office re-development. A grandiose $100m Civic Palace as favoured by Bob Parker and other current Councillors i s not needed and i s not supported by the community.
Under a 2021 Council, Community Boards will be strengthened with better utli sation of existing service centres. Staff working within the community, can more effectively be based at service centres closer to the public.
Instead of sitting around in a Councillors Lounge, Councillors will be required to spend more time at service centres, being more visible and accessible to their communities.