A rugby role model helps overweight children
2nd October 2007
A Hawke’s Bay rugby player has been motivating children who are at risk of obesity to get active through a new after-school programme.
Karl Lowe has been mentoring tamariki on the Te Whare Tapere o nga Tamariki Ora Health and Fitness programme which aims to get children involved in school activities and sports.
The programme selects children from decile one schools in Hastings, many of whom are at risk of becoming obese. The children have low self esteem and some truant from school.
The ten-week programme introduces the five to 14 year olds to activities at the local gym or park such as Kidzbo (a martial art) and track and field. Each week there is a korero (talk) on a different health topic like nutrition or the dangers of the use of drugs and alcohol.
So far, many of the children who have been on the programme have lost weight as well as getting more involved in sport. The programme, which is run by Kahungunu Health Services, encourages whānau to get involved.
A large number of Māori and Polynesian tamariki attend decile one schools (schools with the highest proportion of students from low socio-economic communities). The programme co-ordinator talks to their whānau about eating fewer high-energy foods and more healthy foods, whilst increasing their children’s activity levels.
Whānau and teachers have reported positively on the changes to tamariki who take part in the programme, and there are many examples of whānau changing their eating habits and adopting healthier lifestyles.
The project has reached the finals of the 2007 New Zealand Health Innovation Awards (HIA). There are 21 other finalists, four of which are also from the Hawke’s Bay region.
The HIA, a joint endeavour of the Ministry of Health and ACC, were started in 2003 and recognise individuals and organisations that have developed new and innovative approaches to delivering better health services.
Further information about the HIA is available online at http://www.healthinnovationawards.co.nz
This year’s HIA winners will be announced at the HIA expo and gala dinner held on 10 October at the Wellington Town Hall.