Celebrate Our Wetlands
Celebrate Our Wetlands
Flax planting, story telling
and a touch pool are just some of the fun activities being
organised for the Bay of Plenty’s World Wetland Day
This year the event will be held at Hannah’s Bay, Lake Rotorua, on Friday February 1 from 9.30am until 12 noon.
Wetlands are home to many bird, plant and animal species and in Rotorua they have an important role in filtering pollution before it gets into our lakes and estuaries.
Hannah’s Bay is a particularly innovative wetland project, as community groups have adopted areas for planting.
The celebrations are being run by a team from Environment Bay of Plenty, Fish and Game, Rotorua District Council, the Hannah’s Bay Restoration Group and the Department of Conservation.
The event is free and is aimed at children although it is open to everyone. Meet at Hannah’s Bay. Look for the DOC or Environment BOP tent, past the playground.