Sanctuary Takes To The Streets
Sanctuary Takes To The Streets
Around 150 volunteers from Karori Sanctuary will be taking to the streets on Tuesday 8 April to raise money for ongoing conservation and ecological restoration work at the world-first fenced urban wildlife project. It costs over $2 million a year to run the Sanctuary, which relies heavily on donations and grants and recieves no ongoing government funding. The Sanctuary is a safe haven for some of New Zealand's rarest native animals including tuatara, kiwi and giant weta.
The volunteers will be collecting at the Railway Station and around the city centre, as well as at Johnsonville and Karori Malls; Thorndon and Chaffers New World and Wellington Airport.

Karori Sanctuary
31 Waiapu Road, P O Box
Wellington, New Zealand
We're open until 8pm on Fridays,
Saturdays, Sundays & Public Holidays until 24 March! Last
admissions at 7pm.