Kapiti miniature trains back on track soon
30 April 2008
Kapiti miniature trains back on track soon
Kapiti Miniature Railway (KMR) will shortly be running again following a meeting between members of the KMR committee, Department of Labour managers and the Mayor and officers of Kapiti Coast District Council.
“Two officials from the Department were able to meet with us today,” Mayor Jenny Rowan said, “and we were able to work through the various issues with them and arrive at a plan of action to put the trains back on track.
“Over the next few days KMR will arrange to have a registered engineer certify their main operating engines. When that’s done they can apply for registration under the Machinery Act and then the Council can provide them with a permit to operate.
“We’ve been assured that the process will be processed as quickly as possible and there’s every chance they will be back in operation and able to provide rides for the children of Kapiti by this weekend.”