Thousands vote for Best and Worst Ak Buildings
Thousands vote for the Best and Worst Buildings in Auckland
Auckland, 1 May 2008 – People aren’t pulling any punches as thousands voice their opinions, while voting for the best and worst buildings in Auckland through the website
Commissioned by Ignite Architects, which wants to promote greater public discussion about Auckland’s landscape, the online survey has received an enthusiastic response from the public.
Jeremy Whelan, Managing Director Ignite Architects, says they have been overwhelmed by the response. “More than 1,000 people voted in first two days of launching the site. That’s a great response”.
“We’ve definitely tapped into a groundswell of feeling about how Auckland is being developed. People have expressed some very strong opinions about some of the ‘uglier’ buildings the city boasts, as well as their favourites.
“Others have been contacting us directly saying they love the idea. They’ve talked about what different parts of the city mean to them, the identity of Auckland and our cultural heritage,” says Whelan.
Comments appearing on architecture blog include:
“People voted them [Newton Gully apartments] as ugly...I didn’t vote them as the WORST because they don’t occupy such a demanding space on the waterfront like the Copthorne and don’t sit on prime public land on Aotea Square like Aotea Centre.”
“Scene Apartments 1-3. A 1960s hospital seems to have been the architectural inspiration, they form an incredibly effective wall totally chopping off the city from its waterfront. This is our ‘Cahill Expressway’. Need I say more?”
“The Dilworth can look hideous when it’s raining. The construction of the building many years ago was done very quickly and costs were kept to a minimum. I think it needs a paint job on the exterior.”
Voting will continue until early May when the results will be announced. Until then, people are encouraged to vote at
Notes to editors
* is
an online survey open to the public to vote for the best and
worst buildings in Auckland.
* 30 buildings have been
selected based on their prominence and ease of
* Voters select buildings by clicking on a
photo of the building. The photos are a guide only to remind
voters of what the buildings look like.
* Voters can
enlarge the photos by clicking on them.
* The voters also
have the opportunity to add comments about the buildings.
* Once votes have been submitted, a percentage will be
displayed showing how the chosen buildings are tracking
within the total number of votes.
* Final results for
the best and worst building survey will be published in
early May.