Màori group to fly flag in Manukau
Màori group to fly flag in Manukau
Te Ata Tino Toa is selling Màori car flags in Manukau.
The group made a request to Manukau City earlier this year to fly the Màori flag from Council buildings, which the council is reviewing.
The group started selling the flags last week and they attach to car windows. The group is selling them so that locals can fly them all over Manukau.
"The good thing about having them on cars is that they will be seen all over Manukau," says spokesperson Mel Duley. "Everyone looks at my car as I drive past - they are really visible."
"We hope Manukau people will proudly fly the tino rangatiratanga flag from their cars."
The flags sell for $10 and Ms Duley says they will keep replenishing stocks as they sell out.