The Factory: Pull Bar - Saturday 29th November
The Factory: Pull Bar - Saturday 29th November
Two of Auckland's most savvy female electronic music connoisseurs are combining their powers to produce one almighty monster of a club night. 95bfm's No Sleep Till Bedtime Show host DJ Meltron and Marie Celeste of esteemed dance act Pig Out are proud to present The Factory.
The Factory will unquestionably set itself apart from all other dance clubs, fusing get-up Parisian electro, get serious German techno and get-the-fucking-party-started New York Disco. Thrashing the latest imports before they've hit the street and selecting the wicked from the wack, the true rave from the nu rave. Proper tunes for those that know.
Presented in the intimate setting of Pull's backroom club, The Factory is set to become a fortnightly not to be missed party come 2009. Dancers can 'trip the light fantastic' under mirror balls and disco strobes. The elegantly wasted lolheads can recline in a dark booth with a Jagerbomb and trainspotters can get their nerd on. The night will be more Rave than seen round the tired bars of K Road and the sound system will be LOUD. And if you must fag it, the smoking area comes with a view and a bar.