Community Housing Aotearoa - May 14, 2009
Media Release: Community Housing Aotearoa support papakainga housing report
Community Housing Aotearoa (CHA) has applauded moves by Northland’s three district councils´ to adopt a unified stance on papakainga housing - housing on Maori land - as recommended in a report accepted this week by the Whangarei District Council's Maori Liaison Committee.
This report will now lead on to a policy framework that the three councils are working on, along with Te Puni Kokiri and Te Hau Ora O Kaikohe, which is due to be produced by the end of July. Whangarei District Council policy planner Nicci Webb, the author of the report, had commented that people trying to get permission and finance for papakainga housing have, until this point, suffered from a lack of co-ordination between agencies.
CHA´s Maori Development Manager, Kaye-Maree Dunn has praised the initiative of the Far North, Whangarei and Kaipara District Councils which anticipates the development of new policies on a national level and an expected boost in funding from Housing New Zealand.
"The moves of the Far North Councils to enhance and develop papakainga housing in the Northland region is extremely positive and an excellent example for other district councils to follow," says Kaye-Maree Dunn.
"The potential for further development of papakainga housing is significant and anything that can be done to streamline the resource consent costs and process of developing papakainga will be welcomed," says Ms Dunn.
Ms Dunn, who is in the first year of her role as Maori Development Manager, has been traveling around the country with a priority focus on three regions agreed by CHA members to be most in need of community housing - Northland, Eastern Bay of Plenty and the East Coast, although her work is not limited just to those regions.
"Wherever possible CHA wishes to increase the ability of all Maori to actively determine positive Housing options and develop tangible solutions for the benefit of whanau, hapu and iwi," says Ms Dunn.
CHA is the peak body and unified voice for the community housing sector in New Zealand.