Cable-laying proposal in Waitati Inlet
Cable-laying proposal in Blueskin Bay
Chorus (a division of Telecom New Zealand Limited) wishes to advise residents adjacent to the Waitati Inlet of the following investigation in your area:
Proposal By Chorus To Install A New Fibre Optic Cable For Telecommunication Purposes From Waitati To Warrington, Via Waitati Inlet

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Telecommunication services are currently provided to Warrington residents via three copper cables buried across the Waitati Inlet. These were laid in 1956, 1974 and 1979 respectively.
Chorus is investigating a proposal to lay a new 24-fibre optic cable to replace the copper feeder cables from Waitati to Warrington, via Waitati Inlet. This is necessary as the existing copper cables are nearing the end of their functional life and there is the risk of the cables failing in the near future.
The fibre optic cable is a more recent and more robust technology. It will improve telecommunication services to residents of Warrington and maintain a reliable service to the area.
Alternatives to locating the fibre optic cable in Waitati Inlet, such as radio link and installing the cable within the road reserve have been investigated. Radio link is not practical for the services proposed and installing the cable within the road reserve poses significant risks for the long term integrity of the cable and also the risk of damage to the road due to the geology of the area. A route across the inlet is deemed the most feasible for a new fibre optic cable between Waitati and Warrington.
To install the fibre optic cable requires the use of machinery in Waitati Inlet. The cable is proposed to be laid using a mole plough towed by a bulldozer. An excavator to determine ground conditions would also be required and additional machinery may be required as back-up in case of machinery failure.
The laying of the cable should take no longer than 5 days, allowing for tidal movements to be considered.
The Waitati Inlet comprises part of the East Otago Taiapure, and commercial cockle harvesting also occurs within the Inlet. Chorus has met with these parties to discuss the proposal and consultation with these parties will continue as the project progresses.
To determine the most appropriate route across the Inlet and what potential and actual effects the cable laying across the Inlet may have on the estuarine environment, some survey work will be undertaken within the next month by qualified ecologists. Once this survey work is completed, a public meeting will be organised to discuss the project and the findings of the ecological assessment with the community. All are welcome to attend and the meeting details will be advised in due course.
The works proposed require resource consent from the Otago Regional Council for a Discretionary and Restricted Coastal Activity. Such consents will only be applied for once the ecological assessment is complete, and consultation with the local community is undertaken.
Chorus (via its agents) are also liaising with the Department of Conservation to establish what their interests are in the Waitati Inlet and any requirements to seek approval from the Department of Conservation as part of the consent process Should you have any questions regarding the proposed project and information provided, please direct your queries to: