Local Government Minister dancing around the truth
Local Government Minister dancing around the truth
16 September 2009
Local Government Minister Rodney Hide is evading the real issues around changes to Greater Auckland’s southern boundary,” said ARC Chairman Mike Lee.
“How can Mr Hide assert that 54% of Auckland’s water supply and three prime regional parks will stay in the ownership of Auckland, when this is not in the Local Government (Auckland Council) Bill currently before Parliament?
“It’s all very well for Mr Hide to assure Aucklanders that they will continue to enjoy the benefits of the multi million dollar dams and parks – paid for and maintained by Aucklanders over many years. How generous of him!
“However, the fact of the matter is he is taking the jurisdiction of these assets out of the hands of Aucklanders, and putting them into the hands of the Waikato Regional Council and Tainui. And he has never explained why.
“Just as with aborted changes to the Rodney boundary, the people of Auckland are owed an explanation.
“These dams and parks have always been a part of Greater Auckland.
“The Government has the power to ensure that these assets stay in the ownership and jurisdiction of Auckland, and the new Auckland Council. To do anything else makes no sense, particularly when a chief objective of the Super City is to put management and control of Auckland’s assets in one place – the new Auckland Council.”