Haiti: New Zealanders Responding Generously
New Zealanders Responding Generously To The Haiti Emergency Appeal
15 January 2010 — Save the Children’s Haiti emergency appeal has raised $120,000 in just over 24 hours to assist vulnerable children and families.
“We would like to thank everyone for their generosity. We’ve raised $120,000 for Haiti but much more is needed. We urge New Zealanders to help us reach our $1 million target to support the vulnerable children and families in Haiti,” says Save the Children New Zealand Chief Executive Liz Gibbs.
This money will be used for emergency supplies such as buckets, which cost $25 (seven buckets) to help access water or tarpaulins which cost $50 (four plastic sheets) for shelter. Clean water and sanitation is a major issue. Save the Children staff in Haiti are distributing hygiene kits and emergency supplies.
“Bodies are still being pulled from buildings. You just see masses of people walking down the street with the few belongings they've managed to salvage," says Save the Children spokeswoman Kate Conradt in Port-au-Prince.
People are setting up spontaneous “camps” are in areas with flat open spaces, such as petrol stations. These are unsafe due to the presence of petrol as well as being unorganized and lacking security.
It is expected that larger internal displacement camps will be set up as a next step. Save the Children will target setting up immediate Child Friendly Spaces - places where children can go to and play, and regain a sense of normalcy. These safe spaces enable Save the Children to help reunify them with their families.
“This is a very large scale disaster and there are nearly a million people affected. It’s going to be a long term relief effort and Save the Children is committed to delivering assistance for Haitian children and their families - it will be months if not a year or more to get people through this” said Kate Conradt.
Donations can be made in several ways:
Call Save the Children New Zealand’s donation line: 0800
167 168 or 0900 67168 to give an automatic $20
• Visit any one of Save the
Children’s shops across the country (our website: www.savethechildren.org.nz lists the one
closest to you)
• Send a cheque, made out to
Save the Children, to Freepost PO Box 6584, Marion Square,
Wellington. Mark your envelope Haiti and don’t forget to
add your name and address so we can send you a
Save the Children staff in Haiti are
available for interviews. Images will also be available over
the weekend. For further information, please contact:
Nicole Were, Communications Advisor, Save the Children
New Zealand, nicole.were@savethechildren.org.nz / 04
381 7573 / 029 200 9348.
Notes for the
• Save the Children has been working in Haiti
since 1985.
• Save the Children is the world’s
largest independent child rights development organisation,
making a difference to children’s lives in more than120
countries. From emergency relief to long term development,
Save the Children secures a child’s right to health,
education and