Save Our Arts Centre Outraged At Allegations
Save Our Arts Centre Outraged At Allegations
"Save Our Arts Centre is outraged at the bizarre allegations by the Arts Centre Director, in yesterday's Christchurch Press, that SOAC is responsible for or connected in some way to bugging rooms or hacking into Arts Centre files" today said Dame Ann Hercus, spokesperson for SOAC.
"We require an immediate apology and retraction from John Simpson, the Chair of the Trust Board, and his employee Ken Franklin. Neither the Arts Centre Trust Board or its Director have ever approached SOAC with these bizarre allegations, but let me say categorically
• SOAC has not bugged or asked
anyone to bug Arts Centre meeting rooms nor would we ever do
• SOAC has not hacked into nor asked anyone
to hack into Arts Centre computer files, nor would we ever
do so
• SOAC have absolutely no wish to acquire
illegally gained information, nor have we any need
"Further, we insist Mr Franklin of the Arts Centre Trust Board takes appropriate and immediate legal action against any person or persons who have bugged their rooms or hacked into their computer files. We ask him to do so urgently, and then release all relevant information to the media. Hacking and bugging are both very serious allegations and activities which may carry criminal penalties. SOAC naturally wishes to see any person illegally hacking or bugging charged."