Rock Icon Supports Hawke’s Bay Meth Initiative
International Rock Icon Supports Hawke’s Bay Meth Initiative
Joe Walsh, member of the iconic Eagles Band, has put his support and sponsorship behind a Hawke’s Bay ‘First Sunday’ initiative to help families overcome addiction to methamphetamine. The ‘First Sunday’ project kicks off this week on the 7th of March at the Otatara Amphitheatre, Springfield Road, Taradale.
It will run on the first Sunday of the month throughout 2010. First Sunday is an opportunity for families encountering methamphetamine to gather together, support each other, and celebrate the victories family members have had over the substance.
The gathering begins at 11.30am aiming for a 12 noon start and a 2.00pm finish. Families are invited to bring a picnic lunch. Local musicians will play and there will be chances for people to share their stories. Joe Walsh’s commitment to the project stems from a spiritual experience he had on a visit to Otatara many years ago. He calls it ‘a special place’.
At that time Joe was addicted to methamphetamine and other substances but on a visit to Otatara he had a form of epiphany and ‘came to his senses’. On his return to the USA he joined AA and has been clean and sober ever since. Walsh has previously supported events at Otatara and in 2004 played at the amphitheatre as part of the ‘Sinner’s Tour’ project to draw attention to the then new problem of methamphetamine use in New Zealand. The event is open to everyone and there are no charges for entry.
For further background material on the Sinner’s Tour and Joe Walsh’s involvement with Otatara please go to the following link