New Zealanders to plant 13,000 pohutukawa and rata
New Zealanders to plant 13,000 pohutukawa and rata in 2010
This year, volunteers in communities all around the country will plant 13,000 pohutukawa and rata following the 2010 Project Crimson annual funding round, recently completed.
“With the help of volunteers around New Zealand we have planted almost half a million trees since 1990 and this year’s planting will take us another step towards renewing these iconic native species,” says Project Crimson’s Executive Director, Bridget Abernethy.
Project Crimson, with help from its principal sponsor Meridian Energy, reviews applications from groups and individuals around New Zealand who aspire to create a long-term benefit to their local community through conservation projects involving pohutukawa and rata.
“This year we’ve received some high quality applications reflecting a growing knowledge and understanding of the important of this national icon,” says Abernethy.
Department of Conservation’s Director-General Al Morrison is thrilled with what the Trust has accomplished.
“DOC has been working alongside Project Crimson for 20 years and is proud of the partnership.
“Project Crimson’s model of working at a community level to energise people around the protection of key native ecosystems has been both enduring and has set a great example for conservation organisations to follow,” says Morrison.
The annual funding round closes on 1 March every year and the Trust invites applications from those in the local community seeking to undertake conservation, restoration and research projects involving pohutukawa and rata. To apply, visit and click on ‘funding’.
As well as trees, Project Crimson provides funding to support a range of activities including fencing, possum control, site preparation and ongoing care and maintenance. The Trust also supports research designed to improve understanding of the ecology, or management options for pohutukawa and rata.