Architects provide support to residents, business
Architects provide support to residents and businesses of Canterbury
6 September 2010
The New Zealand Institute of Architects (NZIA) offers its support to the residents and businesses of Canterbury following the weekend’s earthquake, says NZIA Canterbury Branch Chair, Jasper van der Lingen.
“To support the people and businesses of Canterbury following the weekend’s events, the NZIA will be working to help local residents and businesses restore some kind of normality and move forward. However we need to be particularly vigilant as it would seem that the aftershocks do have the potential to create further damage”
The NZIA Canterbury Branch has convened and established an Earthquake Response Committee to assist the established Civil Defence and local Council’s efforts, and to work in teams with allied professionals.
“We are extremely fortunate not to be dealing with lost lives following an earthquake the scale of that experienced in Canterbury. This is partly a testament to the quality of building regulations in Christchurch and New Zealand – something we should all be pleased about. We need to ensure that we continue to pay careful attention to these requirements as we rebuild.
“The NZIA recognises the special character of the Canterbury region and what it provides to New Zealand’s unique built environment. Christchurch is the proud custodian of a number of our quality buildings and areas of urban fabric which capture various periods in our nation’s history. It is important that wherever possible, we are able to preserve this history and culture as expressed through the built environment.
“Along with fellow professionals, Architects can play an active role in the assessment, securing and recovery process of damaged buildings and built environments. Maintaining the integrity of our heritage buildings and ensuring that restoration and rebuilds are of a high quality must be a priority.”
Please refer to the NZIA Website for details on NZIA Architectural Practices in Canterbury who can assist.