Special votes available
Special votes available if voting papers haven’t arrived
Rotorua’s electoral officer Peter
Christophers is reminding residents that they can still cast
a special vote in the local elections even if their voting
papers have not arrived in their letter box.
Mr Christophers said he had received reports that some residents had not received their voting papers even though they had registered to vote.
“If these people contact me smartly at Rotorua District Council I can send out ‘special vote’ papers or they can come into the council’s Civic Centre and cast a special vote on the spot.
“Likewise, anyone whose papers have been lost or destroyed can arrange to cast a special vote.
“But remember, all completed voting papers need to be back in the hands of the Rotorua electoral officer by 12 noon on Election Day – Saturday 9 October. "
Mr Christophers also urged people who had not yet voted to make sure they post voting papers back by Wednesday (6 October) at the latest so the papers arrive before voting closes.
He said voting papers could also be delivered by hand to the council or to City Focus right up until 12 noon on Saturday 9 October.
Voting papers for the 2010 local elections have been posted to around 45,000 registered voters in Rotorua District and cover elections for the district council, regional council and district health board.
In the last local election in 2007 only 45% of registered Rotorua voters actually cast a vote and Mr Christophers is hoping for a better turnout this time around.
“There’s an old saying that you don’t have the right to complain if you didn’t exercise your right to vote. So, have you voted yet? If not, it’s time to get cracking and get your vote in as there’s still time between now and midday on 9 October.”