Submissions sought on insecticides acephate & methamidophos
Submissions sought on insecticides acephate and methamidophos
ERMA New Zealand is calling for submissions on a proposal to phase out the use of the insecticides acephate and methamidophos.
Acephate and methamidophos are organophosphates used on crops such as avocados, citrus, boysenberries, potatoes, onions, sweetcorn, tomatoes and brassicas.
They are also used to treat imported seeds, nursery stock and cut flowers.
Their reassessment is part of a wider review of organophosphates used in New Zealand and internationally (see fact box below).
Reassessments in Europe, the United States, Canada and other countries have resulted in the substances being restricted, voluntarily removed from sale or prohibited.
Six formulations of acephate and three of methamidophos are currently approved for use in New Zealand.
In its preliminary recommendation, ERMA New Zealand states that both substances carry potential risks to operators, workers, bystanders and the environment. It is recommending the approvals for both substances be revoked, with a suitable phase-out period.
Submissions are now being sought from the public and interested parties.
Once all the submissions have been received, a hearing may be held before a decision is made by a committee of the Environmental Risk Management Authority.
Submissions close on 16 March 2011.
Application and submission documents are available at: