Opinion Poll Finds Most Kiwis Want Tattoo Age Restriction
Opinion Poll Finds Most Kiwis Want Tattoo Age Restriction
An overwhelming majority of Kiwis favour the introduction of a statutory minimum age for tattooing, according to a just-released opinion poll.
The UMR Research phone poll – commissioned by TV3’s consumer affairs show Target – found 84% of adults are in favour of a tattoo age restriction.
The poll was part of Target’s ongoing investigation into the current lack of tattoo laws in New Zealand, and follows Health Ministry confirmation that it is “…not aware of any national legislation that specifically regulates tattooing or sets a minimum legal age for tattooing.”
UMR’s pollsters asked 750 Kiwis aged 18 and over: “Do you think New Zealand should have a legal minimum age that a child or young person can be tattooed, regardless of whether they have parental consent?”
Of all those polled:
84% said “yes” we should have a legal minimum age
14% said “no” we shouldn’t
• 2% were
Those in support were then asked: “What age
should this be?”
• 48% said 18 years
28% said 16 years
Among those more likely to favour a
minimum tattoo age were:
• Women (89%)
Maori (87%)
• South Islanders (89%)
Target producer Simon Roy says many people are surprised to learn that New Zealand currently has no legal tattoo age restriction.
“All we have are toothless Health Ministry guidelines,” he says, “and even they only say ‘it would be wise’ for tattooists to ‘encourage’ children under 16 to involve their parents in their decision to get a tattoo.”
Roy says Target asked every local council in the country if they have any tattoo bylaws with age restrictions and seven do: Auckland City (18 years), Manukau (16), Waitakere (16), Napier (16), Waitomo (16), New Plymouth (18), and Dunedin (16).
“However, most say that anyone younger than the stated age can still be tattooed with their parent or guardian’s permission.”
Meanwhile, in the UK and four states of Australia (Victoria, South Australia, Western Australia and Queensland) it is illegal to tattoo anyone under 18, regardless of parental consent.
Roy says Target’s editorial position is that New Zealand needs such a law too, “to help Kiwi teens avoid stupid youthful decisions, peer pressure, clueless parents and blood-borne viruses.”