Auckland Airport helping high-flying youth
Auckland Airport helping high-flying youth
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Hosted by CAYAD (Community Action Youth and Drugs) of Hapai Te Hauora Tapui, Maori Public Health, the Awards profile youth achievements by acknowledging South Auckland youngsters who greatly contribute to the wellbeing of their families and community.
The event, held last night at The Dream Centre Complex in Manukau City, saw nine youths receive different awards that acknowledged their commitment to caring for themselves and others around them.
The Pono Award, sponsored by Auckland Airport, was given to Koha Milne for her honesty and integrity and her willingness to help those around her in any way she can.
Koha, who is a fluent speaker of Te Reo Maori, has a list of accomplishments quite exceptional for a person as young as 14 years old. She has achieved outstanding academic results as well as choreographing and leading her school Kapa Haka teams.
But it doesn’t stop there. Koha, who thinks it’s important to share her skills by helping others, tutors her fellow students and is currently organising a dance group and a sports tournament at her school, Kia Aroha College.
Koha is also a member of T3XpreshNZ, a youth group based at Manurewa Marae. Through T3XpreshNZ, Koha exercises her ability to help others, with the group currently in the throes of organising a Youth Leadership Wananga to encourage kids to participate in positive leadership opportunities.
When asked what she thought of the Award ceremony, Koha said “the evening was cool, everything from the food to the entertainment was awesome.”
Koha, who performed at the Youth Awards with her group T3XpreshNZ, says that receiving the Pono Award was an honour but adds that “I have been doing Kapa Haka since I was born, it’s a passion – I do it because I love it.”
“And as for everything else I’m involved in, like T3 XpreshNZ, I enjoy doing all of that because it’s helping my friends and others around me.”