Small power companies still best performers – Consumer NZ
Media Backgrounder
2 August
Small power companies still best performers – Consumer NZ
Smaller power companies are still beating larger power companies for customer service and performance, according to the latest Consumer NZ survey of energy suppliers.
The annual survey asked 11,276 people to rate their electricity supplier. The three highest raking suppliers are all small players in the electricity market and were also the top three suppliers in the 2010 survey.
Powershop scored the highest result ever recorded in the survey, with 96 percent of customers rating its performance as ‘good’ or ‘very good’.
Energy Online and Energy Direct NZ achieved the next highest ratings, with 84 percent and 81 percent respectively. All but one large retailer, Meridian Energy, received average or below average ratings for customer satisfaction.
Powershop CEO Ari Sargent says the survey shows once again smaller electricity companies are driving higher competition and better service in the industry.
“The government has run a highly publicised campaign about the benefits of switching. It’s no surprise smaller companies like Powershop have been able to show New Zealanders that there are much better alternatives.”
“The Consumer NZ survey shows Powershop and other small retailers are offering New Zealanders the best deal, good value electricity and genuine customer service.”
Powershop launched in 2009 and now has 35,000 customers across the country.
Powershop 96
Online 84
Energy Direct
NZ 81
Empower 55