Hunter, Young,Wilkin Rivers Need Backcountry Fishing Licence
Hunter, Young, Wilkin Rivers Now Require Backcountry Fishing Licence
Otago’s backcountry fisheries open for angling on November 1st with many anglers expected to take the day off work and enjoy the spoils of the great outdoors says Cliff Halford, Fish and Game Officer.
‘Three additional Otago rivers – The Hunter, Young and Wilkin - now require a backcountry licence. Anglers will need to upgrade their whole season or family fishing licence to a backcountry licence (BC licence) to legally fish in those waters and along with the five rivers already classified (Nevis, Greenstone, Caples, Upper Lochy rivers and the Dingle Burn). The BC licence is a simple endorsement on a whole season licence in the form of a coded number at no extra cost which is available on the Fish and Game website All BC licence registrations are entered on a data base and at the end of the season an online survey will be conducted monitoring satisfaction and use. It is not legal to use designated backcountry fisheries with a 24 hour licence and anyone doing so commits and offence’
“Otago offers some of the best backcountry fisheries in the world and Fish and Game is working hard to maintain the high quality angling experiences these rivers offer. Extensive surveying of backcountry anglers has revealed that the angling experiences these rivers provide are inherently sensitive to a range of factors including angling pressure and landscape modification. Backcountry fisheries are popular both with NZ residents and visiting anglers who often employ guides so they deserve careful management as both recreation and tourism resources.
Anglers should familiarise themselves with the Fishing Regulations for Otago as there are a number of other changes for this season as well as the additional backcountry fisheries.