More Choice for Anglers as Rotorua Streams Open
Media release from Eastern Fish & Game
More Choice for Anglers as Rotorua Streams Open
Keen anglers will soon have more spots to fish – as a number of upper streams around the Rotorua district open for summer fishing.
Eastern Fish & Game says the Rotorua waterways which open on December 1 include the upper Ngongotaha, Utuhina, and Waiteti streams.
Fish & Game Officer Matt Osborne says they are all tributaries which flow into Rotorua which wild trout swim up to spawn. They are closed over the winter months from the end of June to allow these fish the best possible chance to spawn undisturbed.
From around the middle of November these streams start to provide some excellent fishing as Lake Rotorua warms up and good numbers of trout begin to make their way up the streams in search of cooler water. “These fish, some big browns in particular, are targeted by anglers from the December opening.”
“Anglers who go and fly fish these streams from early December, using their knowledge of what summer bugs and insects the trout are now feeding on, can do very well.
“It’s a great opportunity for anglers to lock into the summer sport fishing scene where the fish are starting to feed actively on dry flies and nymphs, and will take a good imitation floated in their direction.”
It’s the start of summer days when the evening rise in fine weather can provide some truly magical fishing conditions. This sort of fly fishing presents its own particular challenges and rewards, he says.
Fish & Game has done lots of work in the lead up to the December opening to ensure good access to fishing spots along the streams and rivers. This includes the grooming of tracks leading to the Ngongotaha and Waiteti streams, and spraying for blackberry and gorse.
Matt Osborne says those less familiar with these upper stream sections should note that they are fly fishing only, with spinning not permitted, and there is a bag limit of eight fish, including no more than two brown trout.
Meanwhile, anglers who want to fly fish some more secluded spots have rivers and lakes on the East Coast to choose from. Lake Waikaremoana’s tributary streams including the Mokau and Hopuruahine also open from the beginning of December. They provide an opportunity for fishers to get right away from the crowds and fish some fairly remote locations.
The trout fishing at Lake Waikaremoana has made a promising start to the new fishing season.
NOTE: Fish & Game urges anglers to check their Sport Fishing Regulations 2011-2012, as some streams in the district and sections of others remain closed.