Bus Contract Awarded For Next Five Years
Horizons Regional Council
Thursday 29 April, 2012
Bus Contract Awarded For Next Five Years
Horizons Regional Council looks forward to another five years of increasing passenger numbers and efficient bus services following Tranzit Coachlines’ successful retender for the urban and Massey bus contract.
Tranzit Coachlines has been operating the city’s public bus services on behalf of Horizons for the past five years and Horizons transport planner Kelly Lowe describes the continuation as “great news for passengers”.
“More and more people are choosing to travel by bus and continuing with the same provider will mean our passengers will notice very little change when the contract rolls over in November,” she said.
“But it’s not all business as usual. We’re also proposing some significant service improvements over the next few years as part of the Council’s draft Long-term Plan.”
These proposed improvements include the addition of late night services until 11pm on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays, extending service hours on urban loops to finish at 7.30pm, providing greater coverage on Saturdays and providing a 40 minute service to the Summerhill area.
Ms Lowe says the improvements stem from public feedback and encourages people to have their say throughout the April submission period.
“The more people who hop on a bus or have their say as part of this consultation, the more swiftly we’ll be able to implement improvements,” she said.
Copies of the draft Long-term Plan will be available from Horizons offices, on the Horizons website www.horizons.govt.nz or by calling toll free number 0508 800 800 from Tuesday 3 April and submissions close 5pm Friday May 4.