Kidpower’s Training Can Change Families and Communities
Kidpower’s Positive Training Can Change Families and Communities From the Inside Out!”
A girl bullied for being too pretty, teens sexting photos, a group attacked while parents walk away are all recent news stories. One response is to eliminate all risk or wrap everything in cotton wool, however according to Kidpower programme director Cornelia Baumgartner, there is an alternative.
Cornelia says Kidpower teaches the empowering, positive skills people need to look after themselves in every day, and not so every day situations, including those cited above.
“There are very few things you can teach that will have such a profound and positive impact on someone’s life in such a short period of time,” says Cornelia “We teach preventative skills such as safety plans for when a child gets lost, solving conflict without aggression and also skills for the unexpected times when someone gets followed, or bullied or abused.”
Dave (name changed) has been with the charity for three years and says Kidpower changed his life. He says Kidpower gave him the tools to deal with his own children’s behaviour, as well as kids he worked with in the wider community and to answer their questions when life was not going so well. “I allowed my kids and others to experience risk and responsibility but I also gave them the tools they needed to cope with that.”
Kidpower doesn’t use fear to get a message across, it concentrates on what someone can do when faced with tricky situations. They believe personal safety should never be at risk, but people need to be exposed to some tricky scenarios in a safe setting in order to learn how to deal with situations.
Anna was a victim of domestic abuse but is now a trained Kidpower instructor. She believes taking part in a Kidpower programme is the best way to help others get out of a cycle of aggressive behaviour.
Due to increasing demand for their services, Charitable Trust Kidpower are launching their 2012 instructor training for only the second time in NZ.
are grants to support successful applicants.
Early bird
deadline 08.07.12
Application deadline / pre-training
begins (distance learning) 08.08.12
Residential training
20-23 September
About Kidpower
Kidpower has been running in NZ since 1993 and has served over 28500 people. It is a charitable trust. It is part of an international not for profit organisation
Kidpower is committed to creating communities where people have the skills and knowledge needed to live a life free from fear; communities where people recognise abuse and bullying are wrong and are prepared to speak out to create a positive future; schools and workplaces where strategies are in place to recognise bullying and replace it with positive behaviour. Kidpower wants young people to move forward in to the adult world prepared for the challenges ahead and able to meet them head on because they have been given the skills they need to deal with difficult situations. Kidpower speaks up for the most vulnerable in society including those with cognitive disabilities.
Kidpower also believe access to their services should not be limited by personal wealth. No one is turned away through an inability to pay. Kidpower volunteers work in all communities to ensure their work is directed where it is needed most. It works collaboratively with other organisations to ensure violence and aggression is replaced with other methods of conflict resolution.
In 2011 98.7% of adult learners reported that the programme had made them feel more confident and able to speak up and take charge. 99.5% of learners reported feeling more in control and 98.9% reported having increased ability to communicate, to learn, to take charge and to achieve.
Kidpower training is a response to the increased number of individuals and groups requesting our services. More instructors means more workshops in more places.