Strong lineup of Support for DV Candlelight Vigil
“Strong lineup of Support for DV Candlelight Vigil ”
More than 500 people will be attending the Matariki Candlelight Vigil to be held at 6.00am Thursday 21 June 2012 on Mangere Mountain next week. This vigil will be commemorating the 100 women and children who have died through domestic violence and child abuse and it looks like a strong lineup will present their views on this matter.
South Auckland Family Violence Prevention Network (SAFVPN) Manager Raewyn Bhana says that this vigil could not have occurred without the support of the front-line agencies that have to deal with these issues like Counties Manukau Police and Child Youth and Family.
The vigil will open with Hon Dr Pita Sharples, MP for Tamaki Makaurau and Minister of Maori Affairs who has always been a strong advocate for DV Free for Maori and the wider community. He has also been a supporter of the Families Commission White Ribbon Campaign, Dr Sharples has been strong on families speaking out about abuse on children and trying to break the cycle of being silent about it.
Superintendent John Tims of Counties Manukau Police and Auckland Director of Child Youth and Family, Grant Bennett will also be speaking and representing both their agencies.
Over the past 5 years around 100 NZ women and children have been died through Domestic Violence or Child Abuse in our country and overseas and some families of these victims will be attending this vigil to remember their loved ones.
NZ Idol winner Ben Lummis and Smash Proof will provide some light entertainment and local schools will also be participating as well.
This Matariki Candlelight Vigil is open to the public and following the commemoration a breakfast will be held at the Mangere Community Hall on Mangere Mountain.
“I would personally like to thank all our sponsors and volunteers who have included S.K.I.P, Child Youth and Family, SSPA, Mercury Energy, NZ Police, AIL of NZ, Hubbards, Transitioning Out Aotearoa, Countdown and Te Wananga o Aotearoa for their support”, Ms Bhana said