Submissions invited on weevils to control Darwin’s barberry
25 June 2012
Media release
Submissions invited on weevils to control Darwin’s barberry
The Environmental Protection Authority is inviting submissions on an application to import and release two weevils for the biological control of the weed Darwin's barberry.
The application is being made by Environment Southland on behalf of the National Biocontrol Collective.
Darwin’s barberry (Berberis darwinii) invades pasture, disturbed forest and other scarcely vegetated sites. The seeds are spread long distances by birds and the weed can grow more rapidly than native species when suitable conditions arise, dominating sites where it establishes. It can suppress existing vegetation and prevent the establishment of desirable plants.
According to the application, the introduction of the two weevils, Berberidicola exaratus and Berberis glaucocarpa, is intended to reduce seed production and dispersal.
Submissions on the application are now being sought.