Council submits on MacKays to Pekka Peka Expressway
For immediate release August 7, 2012.
Council submits on MacKays to Pekka Peka Expressway
Councillors are to consider a draft submission on Thursday (August 9) that generally supports the MacKays to Peka Peka Expressway design and mitigation details, but says a number of areas will require specific improvements.
Submissions on the NZTA proposed expressway close with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Friday evening.
The draft submission - to be considered by an additional meeting of the Kāpiti Coast District Council on Thursday - says the majority of Council’s concerns could be resolved by NZTA providing further information and/or through expert conferencing sessions.
The draft Kāpiti Coast District Council submission addresses a range of topics, including ecological effects, groundwater, hydrology and stormwater, sediment control and erosion, contaminated land, noise and vibration, urban form and design, traffic effects, cycleways, walkways and bridleways, social effects, landscape, impact on Council utilities, cultural and statutory planning.
It makes clear that noise and vibration during the construction phase is an issue that will need to be resolved. It says the route has been designed to avoid 10 significant wetlands and six areas of regenerating bush. However, a number of wetland areas will be adversely affected and the offset calculations being used need to do more to acknowledge this.
It says a number of other associated issues also need greater clarification, such as the impact on Kapiti Road.
Mayor Jenny Rowan said
the draft Council submission was detailed. “It raises
issues and makes clear the outcomes that we seek. We
appreciate there are mixed views on the Expressway, but it
is our challenge to ensure we get the best possible outcome
for our residents with the least negative