A plug for the Basin Bridge!
A plug for the Basin Bridge!
August 17 2012
“With a slope like the Ngauranga Gorge plunging below the water table around the basin, a massive entry portal, ventilation stacks and a cost of 260 million dollars a Basin Reserve tunnel unfortunately does not work” says Simon “Swampy” Marsh, Eastern Ward Councillor and a member of the councils Basin Reserve advisory group.
I personally applaud the work that NZTA has done on the slimline bridge design building in cycle and pedestrian capacity; this is Option A, and councils preferred option if a tunnel proved impractical. I am confident work will continue to minimise any impact of the bridge both visually and to those whose homes and businesses are affected.
A proposed new Basin Reserve stand I believe is a positive move to block the visual impact of the bridge. Responsibility for on-going maintenance costs of any stand will need to be discussed between NZTA, council and the Basin Reserve Trust.
The duplicate Mount Victoria tunnel proposed start date of 2018 is disappointing. My preference and that of many eastern ward residents would be for the duplicate tunnel work to be part of the basin project. It would remove the uncertainty hanging over a number of affected property owners.