Hunters & anglers urged to check the rolls, and vote
Media release from Eastern Fish & Game
& anglers urged to check the rolls, and
anglers and hunters are being reminded to make sure
they’re enrolled to vote in the Eastern Region Fish and
Game Council elections.
The rolls close this Friday, October 19.
To be eligible to vote, you must have held an adult whole season fishing or game bird hunting licence for 2011/12.
Nominations have now closed with 14 people standing for the 12 seats on the council.
Voting opens on at midnight on Tuesday October 30, and closes at 5pm on Tuesday November 20.The elections are conducted by postal and internet voting.
Eastern Region Manager Rob Pitkethley says it’s important that anglers and hunters take the time to vote, “to choose the people you believe will best represent your hunting and fishing interests.”
The 12 councillors elected from throughout the Eastern region will serve a three year term. They are responsible for setting regional fishing and hunting regulations, developing policy, prioritising management direction through annual and 10-year work plans for staff, and promoting freshwater sports fishing and game bird hunting in our community.
Nominations have now closed with 14 people standing for the 12 seats on the Eastern Fish and Game Council.
More information is available on the Fish & Game website: